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Should I start a startup podcast?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:06 am
by mk8844741
As an entrepreneur and startup founder, staying up to date with the latest industry trends and best practices is always a good way to ensure you stay ahead of the curve. But all that learning and competitive intelligence comes at a cost: your time. There isn’t enough time to read every article and book out there, so you turn to something you can do on the fly: podcasts.

Podcasts are growing in popularity, so the question is: should your startup have a podcast?

Should your startup have a podcast?
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Over the past decade, podcasts have become a goldmine of value-added content cambodia whatsapp number and ideas, constantly offering inspiration and fresh perspectives. While they can boost your startup’s marketing and provide that unique brainstorm that genuinely defines your USP, have you ever wondered if you should give something back?


Why you should have a podcast for startups
1. Podcasts generate more traffic
With over 32% of the population listening to podcasts regularly, this method can help you reach a new and wide audience for your business and build familiarity for your brand/product. The great thing about podcasts is that listeners often subscribe to the series and listen to them regularly. As long as the content is consistent, audiences will stick with you and continue listening.

Plus, if your audience loves what you offer, there's a good chance they'll recommend your podcast to other people who might be interested in it, thus increasing your reach considerably. This can quickly lead to increased traffic generation.

2. Podcasts offer an alternative to video
When it comes to marketing, there's no debate about the effectiveness of video. But not everyone is comfortable in front of a camera, and fair enough. If you're camera shy and don't come across well on screen, it can be detrimental to your company's reputation and image.

At the same time, video costs are rising. You can end up in the red when you factor in lighting, sound, background, location permits, and filming equipment. And many small businesses likely can't afford the high-quality equipment needed to make an engaging video. Something that looks and sounds cheap will hurt you and your product.

Podcast production, on the other hand, is easier than you might think. The equipment is inexpensive, and there are plenty of free programs out there that can help you get started. All you need to get started is a microphone, headphones, and a USB audio interface/mixer, and you can even use Skype or GarageBand to record. That's it.

3. Podcasts can improve relationships
There's something intimate about podcasts. While it may seem like a one-sided medium, it's good for building a relationship with your listeners. Listeners develop a sense of familiarity with the person speaking on the podcast. And people listen to podcasts because they have something in common with the speaker and the brand they represent.

This relationship helps build trust and invites the listener to engage with the brand. This, in turn, leads to improved conversions.

We all know that people are more likely to buy something from a friend than from a stranger.

4. Podcasts get high engagement
There’s no denying that we live in an age of advertising saturation and information overload. There’s no shortage of written and visual content in print, outdoor and online, and it seems like there’s no escape. But there is. Podcasts offer audio information that attempts to capture customers’ attention and can provide a welcome break from the monotony.

And the numbers don't lie. More than 54% of podcast listeners have considered purchasing the advertised products, and 45% of listeners have a household income of about $250,000. Additionally, 39% of podcast users are small- and medium-sized business owners.

This indicates that podcasts can positively engage audiences and influence purchasing decisions.

5. Podcasts reach customers when and where other media can't
Finally, podcasts can reach a consumer in places where they are normally unreachable. People choose to listen to podcasts when they are doing something else. They may be vacuuming, going for a run, sitting on a crowded subway, or stuck in traffic. These everyday activities take up a lot of time when your potential audience is unable to browse the Internet, read a book, or watch a video.

Podcasts are an effective marketing tool for startups because they allow your audience to multitask and fit them into their busy lives. This translates into new and unique opportunities to reach your target market and generate leads . Plus, they don’t take a huge outlay out of your content marketing budget and offer great potential for a solid return on investment.

It's time to invest in a microphone and start a podcast for your startup. It will pay off in the long run.