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Palm trees are not messy like

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:33 am
by hasan018542
This makes it much easier to check on them during bad weather. It also makes it much easier to feed them if they are just a few steps away from your door. Sun, Shade, and Tree Roots You do not want to build a breeding pond that will be in the sunlight or in the shade all the time. A little sunshine is good for koi. However, koi can sunburn unless they have a place to go in order to get out of the sun.

Too much shade can inhibit the growth of the fish. Watch out for australian email database the roots of any large trees that may be nearby. They can snake out much further than you would think. Many an area chosen for a koi breeding pond has been abandoned because of the massive root systems of elderly trees. You can either be sure to choose an area that is not around any large trees, or choose the type of tree that you would like around the pond. Many people choose palm trees, as the roots of this tree cannot hurt a pond.


most trees are as they shed their leaves. If too many leaves make it into your pond before you have a chance to use a net to get them out, the resultant decomposition is going to make your filter work much harder than it needs to. Providing a breeding pond for your koi may mean a lot of work for you if you choose to design and build it yourself. However, you will be rewarded tenfold by taking the time to do the job properly.