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Co-occurrence and cocitation

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:17 am
by Md5656se
Now, Google's intention is to depend less and less on anchor links.

Since it is something that can be "manipulated", it is uncomfortable for Google not to be able to clearly differentiate when a link is natural and when it is not.

This is why it has been trying for some time to reduce its relevance by replacing it with other signals.

The leading candidates have a lot to do with semantics: cocitation and co-occurrence… which are not the same thing.

1.- Quotation

Cocitation occurs when the same document cites (links) two others.

In this case, Google will interpret it as a sign that the two linked sites may be about the same thing.

2.- Co-occurrence

When two terms are found close together in a text, in the same sentence or the same paragraph for example, it is said that both terms 'co-occur'.

Co-occurrence is a signal to Google of a possible semantic (meaning) relationship.

The importance of this in link building is that the co-occurrence of several terms with a italy mobile number example link can be more important than the anchor text itself.

Thus, if a text that talks about semantic search includes a link to a relevant document with the typical text “here”, the anchor text of this link is not determined by the word “here”.

For a semantic algorithm the anchor will be determined by the information entity defined by the terms close to the link.

This way, Google will be able to easily interpret that the linked site is talking about "semantic search".

Web architecture
The organization of information and internal linking within your website also count.

A good web structure will also help Google not only better understand the different entities included in our website, but also optimize the crawler budget, thus ensuring that Google crawls our entire site more efficiently.

Use semantic search to satisfy the user


I told you in the first paragraph: all this stuff about semantic search, the Hummingbird algorithm, Rank Brain artificial intelligence… all this is about satisfying the user .

Knowing how semantic search works is important because only by understanding how things work will we be able to improve them.

We will be able to implement some technical improvements and identify and correct some errors from the past, from before the semantic web.