On-page SEO: my 6 techniques to rank on Google
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:25 am
On-page SEO is the optimization techniques for your web pages that you can implement yourself and that depend solely and exclusively on you.
Taking care of your on-page SEO is essential so that the pages of your website can rank well on Google and so that users or clients interested in what you have to offer can find you through their searches.
But let’s start at the beginning…
Table of Contents [ Hide ]
What is SEO?
First steps to optimize your website's on-page SEO
Preparing the perfect web positioning with Google Adwords
How to optimize the on-page SEO of your web pages and posts
1# Take care of the titles and their order
2# Post images and fill in their alt attributes
3# Introduce the keyword in the text of denmark telegram phone numbers content… but without overdoing it
4# Don't forget about the title and meta-description page attributes
5# Optimize the URL
6# My latest on-page SEO technique: external and internal links
Did you like the article?
Do you have any questions about on-page SEO?
Do you know of any other techniques that have worked wonders for you that I haven't mentioned in the article?
What is SEO?
You can find more information about what SEO is in the following video:
Now that you know what SEO is technically, let's change the perspective and simplify how important it is for your project.
Look at it this way: if you can't get anyone to find you, having the best content in the world won't do you much good .
Don't get me wrong. You have to offer useful and quality content. It's not all about SEO.
I'm just telling you that even if the content on your website or blog is good, it also needs on-page SEO to be found.
I'll also tell you something else: in SEO, what is valid today may not be valid tomorrow. Google's algorithm is constantly changing.
In fact, no one knows for sure all the elements that influence the algorithm to place your website in one position or another in the search results.
But, based on implementing the "trial and error" method, I can tell you what has worked for me both in my projects and in my clients' projects to date.
First steps to optimize your website's on-page SEO
Before you start trying to optimize your websites' on-page SEO like crazy, let me ask you a question.
Do you know exactly what words your users or potential customers search for or which words have more searches than others?
Probably not.
Don't worry, none of us know.
What may seem like an obvious search to you may not be so obvious to your potential customers searching on Google.
So before you continue reading, I recommend that you find out what a keyword is at the following link.
Have you already seen the article in the link above? Do you understand it now? Great.
Let me give you a real example of a keyword study: imagine you want to create websites for Italian food restaurants.
You think it is a good idea to appear on Google for the keyword “Italian food restaurant.”
Could it be that your potential customers are searching for you using “Italian Restaurant” or “Italian Food”?
It may seem the same, but Google will show different results based on the keywords entered or others.
And it is clear that you (like everyone else) are interested in appearing in the search that has the most results and the least competition possible .
To do this, there is a very powerful tool that I use daily both in my clients' projects and in each and every one of my blog articles.
Taking care of your on-page SEO is essential so that the pages of your website can rank well on Google and so that users or clients interested in what you have to offer can find you through their searches.
But let’s start at the beginning…
Table of Contents [ Hide ]
What is SEO?
First steps to optimize your website's on-page SEO
Preparing the perfect web positioning with Google Adwords
How to optimize the on-page SEO of your web pages and posts
1# Take care of the titles and their order
2# Post images and fill in their alt attributes
3# Introduce the keyword in the text of denmark telegram phone numbers content… but without overdoing it
4# Don't forget about the title and meta-description page attributes
5# Optimize the URL
6# My latest on-page SEO technique: external and internal links
Did you like the article?
Do you have any questions about on-page SEO?
Do you know of any other techniques that have worked wonders for you that I haven't mentioned in the article?
What is SEO?
You can find more information about what SEO is in the following video:
Now that you know what SEO is technically, let's change the perspective and simplify how important it is for your project.
Look at it this way: if you can't get anyone to find you, having the best content in the world won't do you much good .
Don't get me wrong. You have to offer useful and quality content. It's not all about SEO.
I'm just telling you that even if the content on your website or blog is good, it also needs on-page SEO to be found.
I'll also tell you something else: in SEO, what is valid today may not be valid tomorrow. Google's algorithm is constantly changing.
In fact, no one knows for sure all the elements that influence the algorithm to place your website in one position or another in the search results.
But, based on implementing the "trial and error" method, I can tell you what has worked for me both in my projects and in my clients' projects to date.
First steps to optimize your website's on-page SEO
Before you start trying to optimize your websites' on-page SEO like crazy, let me ask you a question.
Do you know exactly what words your users or potential customers search for or which words have more searches than others?
Probably not.
Don't worry, none of us know.
What may seem like an obvious search to you may not be so obvious to your potential customers searching on Google.
So before you continue reading, I recommend that you find out what a keyword is at the following link.
Have you already seen the article in the link above? Do you understand it now? Great.
Let me give you a real example of a keyword study: imagine you want to create websites for Italian food restaurants.
You think it is a good idea to appear on Google for the keyword “Italian food restaurant.”
Could it be that your potential customers are searching for you using “Italian Restaurant” or “Italian Food”?
It may seem the same, but Google will show different results based on the keywords entered or others.
And it is clear that you (like everyone else) are interested in appearing in the search that has the most results and the least competition possible .
To do this, there is a very powerful tool that I use daily both in my clients' projects and in each and every one of my blog articles.