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This is just the first of many setbacks that’ll be

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:27 am
by zihadhosenjm90
This is just the first of many setbacks that’ll be coming your way as an entrepreneur. Failure is a natural (necessary) part of the journey. It’s what you decide to do next that defines you. Trust me, I’ve been there many times.

"Failure is part of the journey. It's what you decide to do next that defines you."
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It’s time to digest all of the feedback you’ve gotten and determine some possible causes of why your validation test failed.

Some common reasons validation tests fail are:

Pitching to the wrong audience
Not getting in front of a large enough audience
Not creating enough perceived value in your proof of concept
Not incorporating or highlighting the right value propositions
Pricing the pre-order of your solution above what your audience will pay
Existing solutions on the market are already “good enough”
So, what comes next for you?

Do you want to validate a business idea of your own in the next 30 days?
I’m talking about finding a profitable business idea. Quickly building an afghanistan phone number database list of real potential customers. Generating revenue in a matter of days. Creating the foundation for what could quickly grow into a profitable business that solves problems you care about.

I did everything in my challenge to validate a business idea in less than 30 days with around 5 – 10 hours of work per week, maximum. And that was with a week-long vacation built in.

All of the money I spent validating my business idea (less than $500) was recouped within the same month and I was able to generate $108 in pre-sales of an eBook that doesn’t yet exist, to a handful of my email subscribers… thus validating my business idea.

Sound like something you’d like to do too?

If you’ve been wanting to start a business but don’t know exactly what it should be…

If you haven’t been able to get much traction with the idea you already have…

If you feel like you don’t have the time or money to start a business right now…

If you’re just not sure of how or where to get started and you’re looking for a step-by-step game plan to launch…