Why storytelling grabs your customers' attention faster

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Why storytelling grabs your customers' attention faster

Post by mostakimvip06 »

Our own experiences and insights have the greatest power when we want to present our product or service to a customer. People trust those we know or at least know something about more.

"Storytelling is a communication skill where we use words, speech patterns, and body movements to convey images from stories to a specific group of listeners. The main goal of storytelling is for the target groups to imagine the events as vividly as possible and co-create the heard experience with their own imaginations."
(Storytelling Association, 1997).

With stories, we can achieve such trust faster than just providing information about why our product or service is what our customer wants.

Stories touch the emotional part of our brain.

Given that we are people at different stages in life and looking for different answers, we first need to know our ideal client very well so that we can determine what kind of story would be most suitable for our clients.

Simply stating data satisfies the analytical parts of our brains , but connecting database email aktif with our customers through a story also activates other parts of our brains. Essentially, the brain experiences the events of the story, so we remember the story and forget the data.

Our clients are always interested in someone else's experience that they can relate to. Something very personal arises in the listener when they "share" the storyteller's story. Internal feelings arise because the listener has experienced similar emotions in the same circumstances. And that's when an emotional connection is built.

When information comes from a story and not just facts, a larger part of our brains is activated. Why? Because neural activity increases by a factor of 5.

A scientific saying goes: “Neurons that fire at the same time connect.” The more connections there are, the more chances the brain has for remembering a situation that occurred.

When we listen to a story, we imagine its circumstances, we think about the feelings of the people involved, the consequences of the events. Since this is a complex process, a larger part of the brain is activated. When we listen to or read a story, our brain synthesizes the chemical oxytocin. This sends us signals that encourage care or compassion, which allows us to feel empathy . The more tense the story, the more oxytocin is released.

We imagine various situations on a daily basis through stories. That's why successful companies today understand the need to use stories, as they connect with people more easily.

Try to include a story in your presentations, lectures, social media posts, and blog posts . Telling or writing a story well will take some effort and time, but let me tell you up front that each of us is a storyteller every day.

To make it easier for you, I have prepared a workbook titled YOUR STORY . It contains a step-by-step system for how to easily create a story. I am very happy to give it to you.

I've also added some links to YouTube videos where you can watch the structure of good stories. These are in the form of advertisements, so pay attention to the content and the inner feelings that arise.
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