The key (or embedded chip) you use has a unique code.

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The key (or embedded chip) you use has a unique code.

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

The key (or embedded chip) you use has a unique code.
When you insert the key or hold the remote key/smart key nearby, the car's computer system receives the code from the key transponder.
The immobilizer then verifies that the code matches one authorized for the car.
If the codes match, the engine is allowed to start. If not, the car example of taiwan phone number will remain immobilized, preventing unauthorized persons from driving away even if they manage to break into the vehicle.

There are a few key considerations when replacing car keys with an immobilizer:

A security access code or PIN may be required to gain authorized access to program the anti-theft system.
If all keys are lost, the immobilizer system may need to be reset or reflashed.
The diagnostic tool programs the new key to match the immobilizer's encryption code and challenge/response protocol.
Swift Solutions: Our Car Key Replacement Services
Champion Lock & Safe Company’s automotive key replacement service can handle key replacement issues for all types of keys, whether they are old and basic or modern and advanced.

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