It is necessary to be well informed about the client and for that it is essential that you have a list of questions to ask so that the client can respond.
Without this you can't do your job properly.
Below is a list of questions that I consider interesting.
Feel free to share it, edit it, or destroy it.
At the end of the day, each agency is a world unto itself and you should not follow this as a strict rule.
Interesting questions to ask your client:
What do you do? Yes, it seems obvious but as they say, “the devil is in the details.”
How are the products or services you offer divided?
What are the competitive advantages?
What are your SEO or Google Ads advertising goals ?
When your customer wants to buy your product or service, how do you think they would search for it on the Internet? What terms would they use?
Is there seasonality to your product? Is it more sought after at certain times of the year?
What is the competition?
In what geographic area does it operate?
What is your potential user like?
Perfect, now you know a little more.
Surely in the previous case of the client who sold X, or for example clothing, if you know that they not only sell shoes and sneakers, but that these are also made of organic cotton, that they stand out for their quality and are environmentally friendly, that their target customer is also in Valencia and that their competition is A, B and C, then you will be able to understand much better what it is like and start doing your analysis.
We always recommend that you save this briefing in a folder dedicated to that client. This will be useful for future times when you want to look for new keywords or new topics to write about on the blog.
2.- Keyword shower
It's time to have fun, put on your creative hat and lose your fear.
Grab a sheet or several sheets of paper and start brainstorming for keywords.
A tip: you can use as many sheets as your client has services or product categories.
Now, on each sheet I want you to write the words related to that product or service, ask yourself this question: how would you search for this on Google?
otherapy clinic in Madrid, perhaps some examples could be: psychologist, psychologist Madrid, psychotherapist, psychotherapist Madrid, psychotherapist nearby, psychologist price, anxiety treatment…
As many ideas as you want and as they occur to you.
The important thing here, as we said in the previous paragraph, is to put yourself in the user's shoes and think about how they would search for it.
It is also interesting to ask friends or colleagues for help and ask them the question: "Hey, if you had to search for X on Google, what would you put in?"
You will see how the answers vary quite a bit.
Now, the most important thing is that you write them down.
Don't worry about judging whether they are more or less valid, just dubai filipino whatsapp group write them down and go do something else: take advantage of the opportunity to have a coffee, stretch your legs or even go home.
Then when you come back, mark the words that you consider relevant and discard those that you consider for some justified reason that they are not.
It's time to move them to a Google Docs file, where you have those lists of keywords separated by service.
In this exercise we have recommended doing it with pencil and paper because the key is to think for yourself and not be tempted to use Google or other pages if you use the computer.
Okay, so now with this list we're going to move on to the next s
For example, if we are talking about a psych
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