Over time, marketing has become dehumanized. The Internet, globalization, the evolution of technology and many other factors have made us lose perspective.
Our mission as marketing professionals is to accompany our audience during the purchasing process and in their growth as customers afterwards.
The success of a marketing strategy depends on how well we know our audience and our ability to connect with them. And this depends on whether we are able to provide value to them and show the human side of our company. In short, it depends on establishing an emotional connection between company and customer.
We are social beings and we need to feel that connection with the companies we interact with. It is one thing to prefer faster, more impersonal service once we have gotten past that germany phone number list free stage, but even those types of transactions have an emotional component.
Think about outstanding user experiences on websites, extraordinary online customer service, etc., the emotion we feel when we are treated well, the desire we have to receive the product or service after these experiences.
As marketers, it seems that when we move from the buying side to the selling side, we forget that we are dealing with people and how we like to be treated.
We sell to people, let's do marketing aimed at them
All these factors have made us lose perspective and become obsessed with sales (not with the process, but with the transaction itself), and have led us to think that there is a shortcut to the success of our marketing.
We look for a magic formula, a “sell button” in some tool that allows us to get results immediately. We optimize processes, we measure, we test new tactics… and we forget about our clients! We only see numbers!
Of course we need to rely on technology, but it should do just that, support, not become the marketing director of the strategy.
We need to go back to the roots of marketing, where we look for what really interests our audience, where we look for ways to provide value beyond functionality, where the full satisfaction of our customers leads us to connect emotionally with them, where the brand represents much more than a logo and colors... where our marketing is truly human (we are selling to people, not machines).
We have lost the human side of marketing
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- Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:46 am