Build customer loyalty and reward the best ones list email company in indonesia with discounts and promotions, making them part of your exclusive club Reward your best customers I end this article dedicated to the marketing activities that you can implement through WhatsApp Business to increase online wine sales by talking to you about the importance of rewarding your best customers. I would like to make a point: thanking a customer should never be an action to be done only every now and then. Are you familiar with the promotions that are offered to all new newsletter subscribers or on the occasion of the first purchase? Or the offers that you receive, in general from telephone companies, when you communicate your intention to terminate the relationship? These are some examples of operations that in my opinion do not reward those who deserve it, that is, your long-standing customer.

What I would like to propose to you goes even beyond the classic points card, the one, to be clear, that provides a discount on the next purchase once the card has run out. If a customer has shown their affection towards you, why limit yourself to thanking them with a coupon that, once used, will no longer have any value? A VIP card, like that of an exclusive club An idea to make your customer feel really important and to encourage them to make purchases on your website to increase the level of prestige of their card. Once a certain spending threshold has been exceeded, in fact, your customer will be entitled to a fixed discount on all his future purchases.