For self-reporting to work effectively, we recommend setting standards for what is delivered. This will prevent short or inconsistent reports and give you a clear picture quickly. On the employee side, self-reporting can also lead to a greater sense of ownership in their work, which is often a productivity booster.
Similar to time tracking, there’s certainly a chance philippines girls telegram your staff will over-perform themselves throughout the day, but there are ways to minimise this, so focus self-reporting on your productivity metrics for the most reliable feedback.
Mark the time spent on social media platforms
Of course, you don't always want to be behind your team, but certain activities eat up your resources, so restricting access to them is more than justified.
One of the most obvious examples of these time sinks is social media. Billions of dollars have been spent to make these platforms as addictive as possible, and few people are immune to them – especially when there is no physical supervision. That’s why we recommend nipping the problem in the bud by banning social media use on company computers.
Most security systems come with page blockers that allow you to restrict access to sites like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram from your company VPN. You can even set up notifications that are triggered by people accessing personal social media accounts. That way, you don’t have to constantly monitor who is accessing what. Instead, you only get notifications for company policy violations, and you can easily deal with them.
Be aware of what you can't measure
When thinking about how to monitor employees working from home, it’s easy to focus all your energy on tech solutions that give you hard data. From time tracking to website banning, these are all effective, but they tend to overlook some of the more human tactics.
In physical offices, it’s easy to monitor employees in the workplace. They’re in your line of sight, and you can pick up on a number of subtle cues that you can’t see in remote offices. This makes monitoring employee morale even more important.
Remote workers are often less likely to raise their hand and share when they’re feeling overwhelmed, so as a manager, it’s up to you to reach out. Hold frequent one-on-one meetings or group stand-ups over video to address individual or group concerns. We also recommend giving staff the option to fill out anonymous feedback forms to track opinions that people don’t want to share publicly.
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