Data analysis is an essential pillar for brands and companies seeking to understand the impact of their media investments. With media consumption becoming increasingly hybrid — alternating between online and offline — the task of cross-referencing information becomes challenging, but extremely rewarding when done efficiently.
In this article, you will learn how to combine TV viewership malta email list data with organic searches on Google Trends, using the reality show A Fazenda, from TV Record, as an example. We will explore how this methodology can provide actionable insights for your marketing strategies.
Topics covered in the article:
What is TV Audience and How is it Measured?
Why Cross TV Audience with Organic Searches?
Case Study: How to Analyze TV Audience Data and Organic Searches with A Fazenda
How to Perform Audience and Search Analysis Efficiently
Integrated Data Generates Strategic Decisions and Efficient Results
What is TV Audience and How is it Measured?
TV viewership indicates the number of people watching a program at a given time, measured in "audience points". According to Kantar Ibope Media, each point in the 15 National Markets is equivalent to 270,631 households or 692,281 individuals (data updated to 2025). In Greater São Paulo, one point represents 77,488 households or 199,313 people.
Complete Table of Kantar Ibope Media audience points:
The image is a table from Kantar Ibope Media, showing audience figures for 2025, updated on December 19, 2024. It presents data from 15 markets in Brazil, with the metrics of "Households" and "Individuals", highlighting regions such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, among others. For example, São Paulo has 77,488 households and 199,313 individuals.
This metric is crucial for advertising planning, helping brands understand the reach of their television campaigns and enabling detailed comparisons between regions and seasons.
The IBGE reported more than 66 million households with TV in Brazil in 2015. To follow updated numbers, consult the official IBGE website .
Why Cross TV Audience with Organic Searches?
Hybrid media consumption — combining offline (TV) and online (search, social) experiences — allows us to identify valuable correlations and trends. This integration enables valuable insights, such as:
Measure the digital impact of television campaigns: Identify whether peaks in TV audiences result in an increase in organic searches.
Evaluate the ROI of advertising campaigns: Find out if TV exposure generates significant digital visibility.
Compare historical results: Understand changes in audience behavior over the seasons.
Case Study: How to Analyze TV Audience Data and Organic Searches with A Fazenda
Imagine that your brand sponsored the reality show A Fazenda and you want to evaluate the impact of the campaign. Cross-referencing audience data with Google Trends can help you:
Correlate audience peaks and searches: Identify episodes or moments that generated greater digital engagement.
Analyze brand visibility: Evaluate whether searches for keywords related to the brand have increased.
Evaluate previous seasons: Compare results to understand how different strategies influenced audiences.
Tip, useful tools:
Kantar Ibope Media: Offers weekly reports on TV audience.
Google Trends: Provides real-time and historical search trend data.