Understand the purchasing rules of foreign trade buyers

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Understand the purchasing rules of foreign trade buyers

Post by mmehedi*# »

By tracking and analyzing the buyer's transaction records, we can find the relationship between the product quantity, delivery time, and replenishment time, and find out the buyer's purchasing rules. We can recommend the company's products to buyers at the best time and greatly increase the success rate of signing orders.

For example, an analysis of household goods imported from the United States shows that the 3-4 months before Christmas each year is the peak purchasing period, and many importers will phone number russian tock up on goods to meet the pre-Christmas shopping peak.


Increase the loyalty of existing foreign trade buyers
By tracking and analyzing the transaction records of existing foreign trade customers, we can understand which other suppliers the customer purchases similar products from. By comparing and analyzing the situation with competitors and ourselves, we can find new breakthroughs, further consolidate customer relationships, and enhance our value in the eyes of customers. On the other hand, according to the changes in orders, we can grasp the new trends of buyers in advance, improve or adjust the market strategy, and avoid potential risks.
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